Forage-Based Pork
We raised hogs at DL Farms due to my wife Larkin’s spirit of adventure! Several years ago she was approached by a woman at our local farmers market who had several piglets she wanted to get rid of. I had never raised pigs before but the next thing I knew we had four 30 lb piglets living in one of our garden plots. They absolutely thrived in their outdoor pen with all the sunshine, fresh air, and garden scraps! They had terrific personalities and are a constant source of entertainment. Our tour groups love them! In a few months time, they were delicious! Bacon, chop, ham, ribs, bratwurst, roast! Even Hocks! Today our herd has grown and we’ll have upwards of 50 piglets/hogs and various stages of growth so we can have a fresh supply throughout most of the year.
We raise our hogs on parts of the farm that wouldn’t sustain other types of livestock. They love scrubby, brushy, weedy, rocky places where they can eat acorns, root around, make mud holes, and live like a pig! They make useful, the parts of the farm that are just marginal for other use. And again, we use no antibiotics, growth hormones, stereo steroids, or artificial feeds with them.
You are invited to DL Farms anytime you need a positive pick me up. Come on out, pull up a chair, and watch our extremely spoiled hogs show you how great life can be!